September 2021

Happy Fall and welcome back to Optimal Wellness, a health and wellness platform dedicated to helping people live a healthy and well-balanced life.

Starting Monday, October 4, Optimal Wellness will be offering biweekly live yoga classes. For those local, there will be limited spots to join in person. There will also be a virtual option for those wanting to join from their own space. If interested, please send us an email and we can share more information.

This Month’s Resources

Ayurveda: The Science of Life

According to Johns Hopkins, “Ayurveda, a natural system of medicine, originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life. Based on the idea that disease is due to an imbalance or stress in a person’s consciousness, Ayurveda encourages certain lifestyle interventions and natural therapies to regain a balance between the body, mind, spirit, and the environment.”

Ayurveda, combined with traditional, standard medical care, can have positive effects to one’s health. The Ayurveda Institute out of New Mexico states: “Ayurveda places great emphasis on prevention and encourages the maintenance of health through close attention to balance in one’s life, right thinking, diet, lifestyle and the use of herbs. Knowledge of Ayurveda enables one to understand how to create this balance of body, mind, and consciousness according to one’s own individual constitution and how to make lifestyle changes to bring about and maintain this balance.”

Oil Pulling – an Ayurvedic Practice
  • Oil pulling is when you swish approximately 1 tablespoon of oil — typically coconut, sesame, or sunflower oil — in your mouth for about 20 minutes and then spitting it out.
  • It helps against gingivitis, plaque, and microorganisms that cause bas breath.
  • “Most microorganisms inhabiting the mouth consist of a single cell. Cells are covered with a lipid, or fatty, membrane, which is the cell’s skin. When these cells come into contact with oil, a fat, they naturally adhere to each other.”
A Classic Ayurvedic Meal
  • A one-pot dish, kitchari originated in Asia and has references dating back thousands of years.
  • Composed of basmati rice and mung dal, it has as many variations and is considered a complete protein source.
  • The combination of certain spices and vegetables can produce balancing effects for the three bodily doshas and is very easy to digest for all.
Want to learn more about your Ayurvedic Dosha?

Learn whether you are Vata, Pitta, or Kapha dominant. This can help you to stay in balance through seasonal changes, for lasting health and peace of mind. Take a Quiz Here!