Happy Fall! We hope you are flowing into the autumn season with ease and still spending some time outside. Autumn carries a symbolic message of letting go, connected to the trees shedding their leaves. It is a time to shed the burdens, both physical and emotional, that may have accumulated throughout the year.
Allison has added a new class to her schedule at Meraki Active Studio in Aurora, Ohio. It is an All Levels Flow on Wednesdays 6:00 – 7:00 PM. A balanced practice suitable for beginners and advanced yogis. It incorporates foundational postures, breath-work, and flowing sequences, allowing each participant to move at their own pace.
And don’t forget, February 10-16, 2025 Allison and Andrew will be hosting an international retreat in El Salvador! Please see the video below to get a taste of El Salvador!

This Month’s Resources
What is a nnEMF?
A non-native electromagnetic field. Non-native EMF’s were not present in the ancestral landscape. The EMF’s in nature (that our biology was designed to interface with) include: sunlight, the earths magnetic field and the Schumann resonance.
EMF radiation is a form of energy emitted wirelessly from all mobile devices. The most problematic of the nnEMF’s today is artificial light (which we sent an email about in August). This includes phones, tablets, computers, TV’s, and standard LED/fluorescent light bulbs. Other nnEMF’s include WiFi, bluetooth, 5G/4G/3G towers, power lines, dirty electricity, electrical vehicles (the batteries emit massive, alien magentic fields), and ceiling fans. WiFi, bluetooth, and 5G/4G/3G are forms of non-visible light called radio waves. Power lines, dirty electricity, EV’s, and ceiling fans are all sources of alien magnetic fields.
“WiFi and its impact on health has gained attention, particularly concerning its potential effects on the blood-brain barrier. The blood-brain barrier is a protective shield that prevents harmful substances in the bloodstream from entering the brain. There’s ongoing research into how prolonged exposure to WiFi and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) might affect this crucial barrier, with some studies suggesting the possibility of increased permeability, which could lead to what’s colloquially known as a “leaky brain.” This condition could potentially allow toxins and other unwanted substances to enter the brain, possibly leading to various neurological issues.” Learn more from this Instagram post with Joe Rogan and RFK Jr.
The Decentralized Radio podcast had Dr. Jack Kruse on for an episode titled “How EMF’s Are Destroying Your Health. Please click here to listen and learn more about the dangers of these electromagnetic fields. They also had Keith Cutter on for an episode titled “nnEMF’s, 5G Rollout, and Building Your Personal Faraday Cage, which you can find here.

How to mitigate nnEMF’s
According to Dr. Alexis Jazmyn…
“The number one principle to understand if you want to mitigate your exposure to nnEMFs is called the inverse square law. The inverse square law shows us that, the closer you are to a source of nnEMFs, the stronger the intensity. Thus, simply decreasing your proximity to the source is the most effective means by which to reduce the dose your body is receiving.
In practice this looks like:
- putting your WiFi router in a room that’s not frequently occupied
- not using your laptop on your lap
- using airtube headphones instead of bluetooth or regular wired headphones
- talking on your phone on speaker mode
- setting your phone down on a surface instead of holding it while typing or scrolling
- never storing your phone on your body unless it’s in airplane mode (and bluetooth is turned off)
- not living next to a cell phone tower :/
- opting for non-EVs, especially if you drive a ton
- not using dimmer switch lighting
And in the case of artificial blue light, this looks like:
- configuring an outdoor workspace for yourself (even indirect, shaded time outdoors is highly beneficial as you receive an abundance of near-infrared light reflected off of green plants and other surfaces).
- opting for incandescent or NIRA light bulbs indoors which contain the long wavelength light needed to create balance.
- cracking windows or doors to allow natural light inside.
- putting filters on your device screens to minimize the intensity of blue (F.lux, Iris, native filters).
- wearing daytime blue blocking glasses (yellow lenses) if you’re in an indoor environment with harsh lighting/screen time for extended periods.
- wearing nighttime blue blocking glasses (dark orange lenses) starting around sunset if you will be exposed to bright, white lights or screens.
- minimizing light at night as much as possible after sundown.”
Other Things You Can Do!
Eat more DHA. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an omega-3 fatty acid that’s important for brain and eye health, and overall well-being. You need more DHA to lessen the bad effects of nnEMF and artificial blue light. Some of the top sources for DHA are mackerels, sardines, oysters, fish roe, and macadamia nuts. Seafood in general can increase your DHA. “Why are nnEMF/blue light and a diet low in DHA a problem in a technology drive world? You chronically decrease DHA in human membranes and this ruins the fidelity of optical signaling in the CNS and PNS leading to chaos we call inflammation = more protons vs electrons = disease.”
Get a WiFi kill switch. Ours is from Tech Wellness and it was only $25. They also make other EMF protection products that we have not tried yet! If you want to go all out, they also make a full wired internet kit, including a grounding ethernet electrical device and WiFi kill switch.
Get yourself a Faraday Cage! The Faraday cage was invented by Michael Faraday in 1836. It is an enclosed structure made of conductive materials, such as copper, silver or other metal that cancels electronic fields from entering or exiting. The Faraday cage is designed to block or prevent the entry or exit of electromagnetic fields for whatever is inside. By placing your device inside a Faraday Cage you instantly block all inbound and outbound wireless communication including Cellular, Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS, NFC, RFID, 5G, EMF radiation, and EMP protection. The ones we have are from SLNT. They make anything from phone sleeves and fanny packs to backpacks and clothing!
Get maximum exposure to sun! Take off your shoes and walk barefoot. Nature is our best teacher and healer.
Go back in time! Start using your aux cord again instead of bluetooth. Consider using ethernet instead of WiFi. Click here to learn more about WiFi being an important threat to human health.
Unplug electronics when not in use (especially in your bedroom!). It is ideal to have everything unplugged in the room you are sleeping in.

From our October retreat!